Eve Hayes de Kalaf (Research Fellow, Institute for Historical Research, School of Advanced Study University of London) visited the CitizenGap project between July 9 – July 15, where she presented her forthcoming book ‘The Windrush Scandal in a Transnational and Commonwealth Context’ on July 13, ’23 at the University of Amsterdam’s Roeterseiland Campus. The book builds on oral history interviews with senior diplomats and high commissioners across the Caribbean region – from the UK to the Caribbean and vice versa. The current focus of her research is on the historical development of policies designed to “keep Britain white”, centring the people affected by these policies – including persons who arrived as citizens of the UK and its colonies like the Windrush generation, and the far-reaching global consequences of a hostile environment in the UK towards migrants from the Commonwealth in terms of its implications for legal identity beyond the nation.
More information on her visit to Amsterdam can be found on her blog.