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Christoph Sperfeldt’s visit and Identity Week Europe 2023

Christoph Sperfeldt, Senior Lecturer at Macquarie Law School (Macquarie University), Fellow at the Center for Human Rights and International Justice at Stanford University, Associate of the Asia Law Centre at Melbourne Law School, and Adjunct Professor at the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law at the Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia visited the CitizenGap project on 14th and 15th June 2023.

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Certizens PhD Workshop

How are the bureaucracies of civil registration and identification changing in the global south under the UN SDG 16.9 and World Bank Identification for Development (ID4D) agenda? How are increasingly digitised bureaucracies of certification reshaping state-citizen relations? Team members Atharv Dhiman, Vy Tran and Gulshan Banas recently presented their research in a PhD workshop on the comparative politics of legal identity hosted by the CERTIZENS project at the Centre of African Studies (CAS), University of Copenhagen.

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GIGA Hamburg workshop 2023

What happens to civil registration during insurgencies or violent conflict? Since legal identity documents are usually issued by state-sanctioned authorities, how does the presence of non-state armed groups impact civil registration? These questions took center stage at a workshop on “Legal Identity under Insurgencies and Unrecognised States” convened by Marika Sosnowski and Bart Klem, and hosted by the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg.

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